
Mapping Wikipedia visualises all the geo-located articles for a number of languages. Each point on the map is an article that refers to a location somewhere on the earth. This could be a place, a geographic feature, the site of an historic event, or even a fictional island.

Currently maps are available for languages relating to the Middle East and North Africa. Please note, the map doesn't tell us about the location of Wikipedia authors, it shows the location of article subjects.

This version of the project includes a timeline that shows how Wikipedia has evolved. The timeline filters the articles by creation date, highlighting the patterns of stub generation over time. (Subsequent article revisions are not shown, only the initial creation date).

Images and Videos

For more information, videos and images of the project see:


We recommend using the latest version of Chrome, FireFox, Opera, IE or Safari. There's Flash support for IE 7 and IE 8, but IE 9 or above is preferable.

Beware! Some searches will require a large download. For example, a worldwide search for English articles is likely to take a long time and might crash older browsers. Try narrowing the search to a particular region.



The map was created by Gavin Baily and Sarah Bagshaw at TraceMedia, using data generated by Mark Graham and Bernie Hogan at the Oxford Internet Institute. For more information please contact gavin[at]tracemedia.co.uk.

Developed using Open Layers and Google Maps API.

Wikipedia data

The dataset was generated from XML dumps of Wikipedia. The source code for part of processing is available from the Oxford Internet Institute on github.